Your work out glow up in one stick
Unlike other off-the-shelf hydration sticks, not only do we pack electrolytes in our electrolyte stick...

But we also include:

L-Theanine to increase focus

Vitamins to amp up endurance and energy (caffeine free)

All at 0g of sugar (sweetened with a small dose of organic stevia)

Sugar Free, GF, Non-GMO

Made in USA

30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Waterboy outperforms everyone else on
…everything else
Waterboy outperforms everyone else when it comes to … everything else

Formulated for Optimal Fluid Absorbtion
(see why below)
When tested, our product sits at the mid-point (200–260 mmol/kg) guideline provided by World Health Organization for oral rehydration solutions (ORS) for optimal hydration.
Measures the amount of material in a solution. Why do some drinks hydrate but others don’t? One of the most important factors is osmolality.
Not all beverages interact with our bodies the same way. Many are not able to hydrate our bodies efficiently. During rehydration, it’s important to not only consume fluids but also to retain the fluids in order to be properly rehydrated.
4) HOW
As we drink a fluid, our body’s ability to absorb and retain is affected by the amount of material in the solution itself.
Through WHO and UNICEF recommendations, in order for a drink to rehydrate the body optimally, it has to have an osmolality level within a specific range. Outside of this range, a drink is unable to rehydrate optimally, if it hydrates at all.
Since osmolality is not required on a nutrition label, many 'rehydrating' beverages do not test or report their numbers. You can find some common ones in this study here
92% of customers
rated would recommend
We've got you recovered
easy, light, incredible flavors
Please note, the product will taste salty.
Waterboy Sample Pack
$2.08 Per Serving
Best way to try all flavors
Waterboy Variety 24ct
$2.08 Per Serving
Strawberry Lemonade 12ct
Blue Raspberry 12ct
Waterboy Bundle 36ct
$1.80 Per Serving
Strawberry Lemonade 12ct
Blue Raspberry 12ct
Lemon Lime 12ct
We've got you recovered
easy, light, incredible flavors
Please note, the product will taste salty.
Waterboy Sample 24ct
$2.08 Per Serving

Best way to try all flavors
Waterboy Variety 24ct
$2.08 Per Serving

Strawberry Lemonade 12ct
Blue Raspberry 12ct
Waterboy Bundle 36ct
$1.81 Per Serving

Strawberry Lemonade 12ct
Blue Raspberry 12ct
Lemon Lime 12ct
WTS - Why the salt?
We proudly pack 1,120mg sodium per stick.
Keep in mind, Himalayan Sea Salt costs us $ and makes the product more 'salty' tasting, so we do not have any incentive to add this, unless it's for function.
When you sweat, sodium and chloride are the most abundant electrolytes lost with potassium, magnesium, and calcium present in lower amounts.
Full composition of sweat can be found here
The goal of the product is to mimic what you lost. The issue is most products don't have enough of what you need (electrolytes, particularly sodium), and have too much of what you do not need (sugar).
They hide behind 'sugar is necessary' when the majority of cases this is simply not true and it's only in there for taste.
Don't get us wrong. There is a time and place for sugar - like ice cream.
FAQ Around & Find Out
What makes Waterboy different?
1) Our sugar-free hydration.
2) Our hyper specific functionality. Waterboy makes recovery formulas to help you do more than just hydrate.
3) We have 3x+ more electrolytes than our main competitor who shall not be named but rhymes with Shmiquid SmIV.
4) Our sparkling personalities.
How much sodium per stick?
1,120mg per stick. WTS - why the salt?
When people ask us what our passions are, we say salt. It’s a bit of a conversation stopper but we don’t care—we’ll talk about the functional benefits of salt until we’re blue in the face. Like, did you know sodium is a key electrolyte that helps deliver water to your body’s cells? And studies** show that for optimum health, sodium intake should be 4-6g a day?! Usually at this point, whoever asked us the original question has walked away but since you’re still reading this we’ll take that as a salty win.
Roughly around 10% of the population is sensitive to sodium (and people who wax poetic about salt). Less than 3g and more than 7g were associated with an increased risk of a cardiovascular event (10.1001/jama.2011.1729). Please check with a doctor prior to consumption—especially if you have an underlying medical condition.
Nutritional facts?
You can find the nutritional facts on the last photo of each flavor on the product listing.
Can also access them all here
Does it have caffeine?
Does a pope sh*t in the woods? (No. The answer is no.) Our products are proudly caffeine free.
If 0g sugar, how is it sweetened?
We use a small dose of organic stevia to sweeten our product—because it’s natural and linked to benefits like lowering blood sugar levels. Sorry we’re such good people.
How much water should I mix it with?
Dealer’s choice. For a more bold, salty flavor, mix Waterboy with 16 oz. of water; for a lighter, breezier taste, mix Waterboy with 32 oz. of water

100% Happy Endings
When you cry, we cry. And that’s honestly a waste of hydration for all parties. If you are not 100% happy, we will offer you a 30-day return.