The best way to try all of our weekend recovery flavors! (6 flavors x 2 sticks each).

Free shipping over $40

3x+ electrolytes of leading stick

Plus recovery blend to ease nausea, hangxiety & fatigue

Sugar-Free, Non-GMO, GF, Made in USA
As seen in
When you are hungover, you are not just dehydrated...
So we also added a recovery blend to help:
😳 Humiliate Hangxiety
L-theanine, an amino acid found in tea to calm all of your nerves, restlessness, and existential dread
🤢 Give Nausea a Gag Order
Ginger extract to aid with digestion and tame the tum-tum (sorry for saying tum-tum)
⚡️ Bring You Back from the Dead
As a nice touch, we infused Waterboy with essential vitamins to strengthen immunity and smack the fatigue out of you
(caffeine free)
See why our tiny packet is the total package

FAQ Around & Find Out
What makes Waterboy different?
1) Our sugar-free hydration.
2) Our hyper specific functionality. Waterboy makes recovery formulas to tackle specific life events - like nausea and hangxietyafter a night out.
No average, one-dehydration-fits-all product sold here.
3) We have 3x+ more electrolytes than our main competitor who shall not be named but rhymes with Shmiquid SmIV.
4) Our sparkling personalities.
Does it have caffeine?
Does a pope sh*t in the woods? (No. The answer is no.) Our products are proudly caffeine free.
If 0g sugar, how is it sweetened?
We use a small dose of organic stevia to sweeten our product—because it’s natural and linked to benefits like lowering blood sugar levels. Sorry we’re such good people.
How much water should I mix it with?
Dealer’s choice. For a more bold, salty flavor, mix Waterboy with 16 oz. of water; for a lighter, breezier taste, mix Waterboy with 32 oz. of water
When do I take it?
Our product is intended to help you recover and replenish the next morning after a night out. We are working on a better night of product, but for now recommend taking one the night of (ideally during drinking) and one the next morning.